Contact us

No need to dial a phone number, it's all in the app!
How can we help you?

The support team is online 24/7 to troubleshoot problems with the app


Weren't lucky with the FAQ's? You can also reach us 24/7 via the support chat.

How to do it

Click on Profile

Go to Support

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Get in touch

You can resolve app-related issues in person. Select your city and search for contact options.

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Claim insurance

No order is more important than your health! If you've been in an accident while using Glovo, you're insured. For personal accidents or damage to third parties, you can submit a simple insurance claim. Learn more

Do you have a blocked account?

Remember that you've received more details about it via email. If you'd like to unblock your account, please fill in the following form.

Fill in the form