Margarita had been working as a courier in Barcelona for a year when, in July 2021, she joined the pilot of the 'Start' impact program that Glovo launched in Spain together with the accelerator Impact Hub. Aimed at couriers in the city, the program consisted of a one-week immersion where students received training from experts in different key pillars within the world of entrepreneurship such as finance, logistics, and marketing.
After the program, Margarita used everything she learned and in October of the same year, she opened her own business, a supermarket with food and home care products in Mallorca Street of Barcelona's Sant Martí district. About the name, she says:
"Menta y Limón is the name I gave my business and, although it sounds a bit strange, the reason is that I love mint, which represents the joy and enthusiasm with which I started my business, but it is also when you start something that you realize how hard reality can be, hence the lemon, with its strong flavor"
Today, Margarita continues to work as a courier for Glovo from time to time and is currently in the process of adding the delivery option to her business - also hand in hand with Glovo. With a smile on her face, she admitted:
"Now I work for my own business and I can say that I have made it".
During the years since then, Glovo has introduced initiatives that empower couriers to develop their professional skills.
The digital learning platform G-Learning offers free access to online courses and Busuu connects couriers to the world's languages. Entrepreneur Bootcamps were held in Kenya, guiding couriers on their first steps as business owners.