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Why fair use of the platform is important

13th March 2025 · 2'

It’s our top priority that couriers are fairly compensated. Although many couriers create a fairer environment for one another, we see some using tricks to tweak their earnings unfairly.

3 Golden Rules for a Best Practice
How can you use the platform fairly without risking your account? Here are 3 tips.

1. Request change of delivery point only upon arrival
If the customer is at a different location than indicated, you should use the support chat. There you can request that the delivery point has changed. This can only be amended within a radius of up to 1km. ( out of zone areas are not included).

If a customer requests for an out of zone delivery, please contact support. Proceeding to the delivery point will result in kickouts and this will affect collaboration.

Remember: Please only use support when you arrive at the delivery point and when necessary. If you are at the pick-up point, i.e. at the partner, you cannot request the changes or misuse support.

2. Ask a manual kilometre change correctly
We understand that sometimes the route may vary – and for this, you can request manual adjustments for the KM covered after the order is complete.

Yet, if we notice that you are increasingly making an incorrect use of the option, this can be considered fraudulent. This may be the case if you increasingly turn off your GPS or data during delivery and afterwards ask for a manual adjustment of the earnings.

3. Choose the correct contact reason

If you are in difficulties, you should have quick access to help. It is even more important that you select the correct reason so that the support team can assist you.

For example, if you are at the delivery point and notice that the customer’s mobile phone is off, you should select the contact reason “Customer issue – customer absent”. Wrong choice of contact reason can delay the help.

NB: fraudulent actions will lead to account blocking / disabling.
Do you disagree with the actions? Remember that you can always appeal if your account has been blocked or disabled.
