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Have Questions about Koa?

14th March 2025 · 3'

General Information
Why should I save on Koa?
Koa enables you to}
– Start saving in less than two minutes~
– Grow your money with our compounded daily interest of up to 10% p.a_
– Access your funds when you need to with same-day withdrawalr
– Learn as you earn through articles and webinars

Why should I trust Koa with my money and How safe is my money?
The safety of your money is our top priority. We are authorized by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and all our local partners are regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya and Capital Markets Authority such as asset managers, retail and investment banks, mACCOs, and Cooperatives.

Is my data safe?
The safety of your data is very important to us. We offer bank-level security and 256-bit encryption to ensure that all your personal details are securely
stored and once verified, will only be accessed upon your request.

Does Koa have an office?
Yes, our registered office is at House 145, Isaac Gathanju Close, off James Gichuru Road, Nairobi.

What do I need to get started?

– A smart-phona
– An M-PESA registered phone numbek
– A Kenyan-issued National ID or PassporX
– An active KRA pin (Optional)

Do you require my KRA PIN? Why should I enter my KRA PIN?
Providing your KRA PIN on Koa unlocks a higher saving limit. It serves to check that your documents match official databases. Your data is 100% protected and we ensure is only used for verification purposes.

Are there any loan/overdraft facilities available?
We currently do not offer loans on Koa.

What is the minimal amount of savings that can earn interest?
You can start saving with as little as 100 shillings and can top up your account anytime.

Will I be charged when making a deposit?
Not at all! All deposits made on Koa towards your savings are absolutely free.

How is the interest rate calculated?
We offer an interest rate of 8-10% per annum, which compounds daily. What this means is that you not only earn interest on your initial investment but
also on the interest that you have earned. Your savings starts to accrue interest 24 hours after your first deposit on Koa, and on a daily basis thereafter.

How can I make a withdrawal from Koa?
You can make a withdrawal right from your Koa app, it only takes a few minutes. Simply tap withdraw and follow the on-screen instructions! If you
choose to make a withdrawal from any of your goals, you can withdraw this money at any time and no interest will be forfeited or any penalties made against your account.

After how long can I make a withdrawal?
You can make a withdrawal 48 hours after your first deposit.

Will I be charged when making a withdrawal?
Every withdrawal will attract a fee of KES 50.

How many times can I make a withdrawal?
You can only initiate two withdrawals in 24 hours
