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Hoyee Women Glovers! Hoyee!

13th March 2025 · 4'

The smiling and soft spoken Bernice’s face always lights up every time when she is talking about cycling and different bicycles be they electric or manual bicycles.  A true cycling enthusiast, she has been a Glovo courier for a little over 1 and a half years. She is one of the few female glovers in Nairobi who are breaking the stereotype perceptions. 

Glovo appreciates all couriers and we want to give a special shout out to our female couriers today. We were able to catch up with Bernice this Women’s day and she was able to share some of her thoughts and experiences with us:

How do people react to you as a female courier?

The restaurants / partner stores staff are always surprised to see female couriers as the majority of the couriers are male. 

The customers are very appreciative and they keep encouraging me to continue. Majority feel that it is fantastic to have female couriers as this is a male dominated field.

How did you become a Glovo courier?

Initially, I started riding in COVID season using my bicycle as my main means of transport to and from work. After a few weeks, I started to wonder if I could earn money from riding my bicycle as this is a passion for me. 

So after my college classes, I started researching on the platforms that can actually pay me to use my bicycle. 

I checked online and Glovo was the only platform that was open to me and I joined the platform and it’s been good ever since. 

What does Glovo mean to you?

Glovo is a platform where I am able to ride my bicycle, which is my passion. At the same time I’m paid to ride, I get to serve the customer and do the delivery the required time.

What makes the Glover community unique ?

Glovo is the best because of the benefits we have such as  the insurance cover provided for us in case of issues and accidents and the couriers are able to schedule their time on when they will work and when they can devote themselves to other things.

What’s your favorite memory when delivering?

Late one evening I received an order for the Westlands area. The order was for an inhaler and I rushed in order to get the item and deliver it to the customer. When I arrived, the customer who was asthmatic, was anxiously awaiting the inhaler and was very appreciative to have it. I felt proud in that instance as I was able to assist a customer in a time of need.

What in your opinion does a good delivery entail?

When you go to the customer and they are grateful for getting the delivery within the shortest time possible. The better part is when they realize the courier is female and they regard it as unique and feel amazed.

What was your favorite partner?


Why would you suggest your friends to join Glovo

I would like to encourage all my friends and fellow cyclists to join Glovo as it will help them in building endurance and also training for Queen of the mountain and also King of the Mountain. 

Glovo is the best place to gain experience 

Which superpower would you like to have?

If I could have any superpower in the world, it would be in being able to cycle superfast – like the flash of cycling to cover more distance. Then I would be at the top of the Strava leader dashboard.

In conclusion, this women’s day, I would like to encourage all women to always try, it doesn’t matter if it is a male dominated field.  The male dominated fields are there for you to break the barriers so, go in there and try your best and earn some money while you’re at it. There’s nothing that you cannot do!

