Issues with the account

Glovo is committed to providing the best experience for couriers, partners and customers. To maintain a healthy and fair platform, sometimes is needed to step in if one of the users doesn’t adhere to fair use. If your account is blocked, you will still have access to your account but will not be able to perform any actions. You can go to Support in the Courier app to unblock your account.

If your account is disabled, you will no longer be able to access the Courier App. You will receive an email with a form where you can appeal the decision or explain the situation. Please fill in the form and clarify the situation. Your reasoning will be analyzed and you will be contacted by email with a decision.
Issues with orders
Issues with the app
Issues with the account
Critical situation
Issues with the account

Glovo is committed to providing the best experience for couriers, partners and customers. To maintain a healthy and fair platform, sometimes is needed to step in if one of the users doesn’t adhere to fair use. If your account is blocked, you will still have access to your account but will not be able to perform any actions. You can go to Support in the Courier app to unblock your account.

If your account is disabled, you will no longer be able to access the Courier App. You will receive an email with a form where you can appeal the decision or explain the situation. Please fill in the form and clarify the situation. Your reasoning will be analyzed and you will be contacted by email with a decision.
Glovo Shqipërisë » Issues with the account - Shqipërisë