
A billing period lasts for a fortnight. The billing period starts at midnight on Monday and ends at 23.59 on the next Sunday. At the end of the billing period, you will receive earnings for all your orders placed during that period. Payments are typically sent to active couriers on Mondays or Tuesdays(at the latest).

Your earnings will be transferred to the wallet of the phone number you provided during registration.

Base Earnings
Extra Earnings
Deposit Cash
Cash balance

A billing period lasts for a fortnight. The billing period starts at midnight on Monday and ends at 23.59 on the next Sunday. At the end of the billing period, you will receive earnings for all your orders placed during that period. Payments are typically sent to active couriers on Mondays or Tuesdays(at the latest).

Your earnings will be transferred to the wallet of the phone number you provided during registration.

Glovo Ghana » Payouts