Hitni slučajevi

If you have an accident, immediately find a safe place, call the emergency services and get a medical examination.ç Our insurance partner provides and during delivery and up to 1 hour after completion. If you want to submit an insurance claim, visit glovo.ferrerojeda.com.

You can submit a claim online on our partner's website. Enter details of your accident, personal information and upload police or medical reports, if any. The security page will take you directly to the insurance partner form.
Problemi s narudžbama
Problemi s aplikacijom
Problemi s računom
Kritična situacija
Hitni slučajevi
Blokiran račun
Problemi s narudžbom
Zašto aplikacija ne radi?
Hitni slučajevi

If you have an accident, immediately find a safe place, call the emergency services and get a medical examination.ç Our insurance partner provides and during delivery and up to 1 hour after completion. If you want to submit an insurance claim, visit glovo.ferrerojeda.com.

You can submit a claim online on our partner's website. Enter details of your accident, personal information and upload police or medical reports, if any. The security page will take you directly to the insurance partner form.
Glovo Bosnia » Hitni slučajevi