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Glovo – Impact Hub Entrepreneurship Program

3rd May 2024 · 3'
The Start Project

“Dream big. Start small. But most of all, start.” -Simon Sinek (British-born American author and motivational speaker)‍

Deciding to go for it is a step that many people never get to and that can be the most overwhelming part of starting a business. This is why Glovo with Impact Hub decided to embark on the Start Project.
The Start project was a 1-week introductory program to entrepreneurship, where couriers can learn about the skills and tools they need to start their own business.

The program started on the 25th of April with 11 couriers expectant to gain insights and knowledge on Starting their businesses.

The first session started with Mr. Francis Kofigah a renowned Entrepreneur who owns Doughmans Foods.
He inspired them with his personal experience and other tips and tricks to make it in the business world in Ghana.

Day 2 had the couriers draw out their various business plans and present them to their colleagues. This was to help the team identify the feasibility of their business ideas.

On Day 3 the participants of the program got to learn how to properly use their social media accounts to promote their business. They learned the power behind the social media tool.

On the fourth day, it was all about properly managing your finances. Participants learned how to keep track of their expenditures and also how to separate their expenses from business expenses.

On the last day, the couriers got more information on the legalities of running a business in Ghana and the various types of business. They were enlightened on the necessity of having legal representation as a business or when starting a business with a colleague, friend, or partner.

Throughout the program, there were other sessions where they got to interact with the management of Glovo and Impact hub. They go to relay their pain point and issues on the field to both the Operations Manager and General Manager of Glovo.

The program was completely engaging with couriers getting tailored advice to their business. There was an overflow of Item 13 and some other incentives for the participants.

Find below some pictures of the project. We hope to see you there if we should repeat it.

Picture Gallery
